Hi there! I’m glad you found your way to my little corner on the internet. Allow me to introduce myself.
I’m from the Netherlands, which is a small country on the European west coast that is mostly known for cheese, wooden clogs and windmills. I live in a town called Leiden with my dog Dennis and cat Zwieber.
As a self-described ‘creative nerd’ I enjoy playing video games, mostly in the ‘open world survival craft’ genre. I take care of my spirit by creating digital media or watercolour paintings and practice mindfullness by keeping a bullet journal, or ‘BuJo’ for short.
I am proud to share my art, as well as my BuJo journey. Since I don’t really do social media, this is my way of sharing it with whoever stumbles upon my website.
Occassionally I may post something about my health. I have Multiple Sclerosis, an auto-immune disease that mainly affects the way I walk and think.
As I’m big on keeping everyone’s data private as much as possible, I am limited in the ways I can help you stay in touch with me. Things like newsletters and subscription lists aren’t a thing on this blog.
You are invited to take a look at the contact page to find out about ways to connect with me. Leaving a comment on my posts is also greatly appreciated, I really enjoy knowing that my content is seen!
I hope you enjoy what you find here and I look forward to hearing from you!